Club Representative Teams
Here at URVGC we play in a number of different leagues with other clubs from around the County and SE London
The Men play in the Whitbread League and the Mens Penfold League, the Veteran Men in the Invicta League.
Each team has its own team manager/captain and members are encouraged to represent the club.
The team plays betterball pairs matchplay with a total of 5 pairs making up the team.
2023 saw George and his team win the League, and finish 2nd in the end of season championship shield.
The team this year will be managed by Darren Clinton, if you are interested in playing in the Penfold League please contact Darren or put your name on the sign up sheet on the notice board.
The team plays betterball pairs matchplay with a total of 3 pairs making up the team.
In 2023 the club won the League.
Veterans Kent Golf League
The team plays betterball pairs matchplay with a total of 3 pairs making up the team and another pair in a reserve match.
In 2023 the team finished 2nd in the league.