Click Below for the Club's Full Code of Conduct

Club Code of Conduct

Course & Competition Code of Conduct


Competition & Matches

This Code of Conduct sets out the minimum standards expected
when participating in URVGC Golf Competitions and Matches. You must ensure you
are familiar with and understand the Code and meet these minimal standards at
all times.

Breaches of the Code of Conduct
include, but are not limited to, the following:

a) Care for the course, for example

i. failure to repair pitch marks

ii. failure to rake or smooth bunkers

iii. failure to replace divots

iv. pulling trolleys onto or across teeing grounds

b) Foul and abusive language

c) Abuse of clubs or the course

i. throwing and/or breaking clubs

ii. de-facing or damaging on-course signage

iii. damaging course equipment, tee markers, flagsticks, rakes etc

iv. failure to maintain pace of play and utilise ready golf

d) Being disrespectful of other players, referees or

e) Misuse of Social Media i. publicly use critical or
disrespectful descriptions of others or URVGC via any social media platforms
ii. excessive use of social media during the round

f) Acting in a manner contrary to the spirit of the game

g) Non Cancellation of competition rounds.

2. Breaches of the Code of Conduct
specifically relating to COVID 19 include the following:

a) Social Distancing: All players must abide by social
distancing guidelines at all times and must abide by any instructions issued by

b) The Flagstick:

i. touching or removing the flagstick from the hole.

Players must leave the flagstick in the hole at all times

ii. failing to center the flagstick in the hole, in a safe
manner, when requested by another player. Players may have the flagstick
centered in the hole, in a safe manner that does not involve using the hand,
even when wearing a glove or using a towel (for example, by using a club).

The centering of the flagstick is allowed while another
player putts

3. Enforcement

The Committee may impose the following penalties for
situations identified in 1 and 2 above:

First Breach of Code of Conduct

Warning or Committee Sanction

Second Breach

General Penalty

Subsequent Breach or any serious misconduct


Note: Any warnings or penalties applied under the Code of
Conduct during a round will be carried forward for the remainder of the round
and involvement in the Competition or Match

4. Committee Decision is Final

The Committee in
charge of the competition will impose any penalty, where applicable. Their
decision is final.

Course Status
Currently open
03.06.2024 16:33
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