The Handicap Committee

Under the Council of National Golf Union (CONGU) Rules on handicapping every golf club must have a Handicap Committee to administer the handicaps of their members.

The rules state the following:-
• Every club must have a handicap committee, minimum number of three people, of which the majority must be members of that club (Clause 6).
• They have a responsibility to record, maintain and update handicaps of their members, and notify members of handicap changes (Clause 7).
• They must also ensure that scores which count for handicap are updated electronically to the Central Database of Handicaps (where appropriate) after every competition or handicap change.
• The handicap committee should meet once each year for an annual handicap review and may also, if necessary in exceptional circumstances, discuss and agree any changes under “general play”.

At URVGC the Handicap Committee consists of 6 members including the chairperson who is a current committee member, currently Paul Wren. The other members are Darren Clinton, Reg Higgs and Paul Wallace. The Club Secretary acts as the Handicap Secretary.

The Committee meets once a month, normally on the third Monday of the month, to carry out its duties.

It also acts as the Club Competition Committee regularly reviewing club competitions and formats as necessary. The Handicap Committee Chair reports its activities to the Club Committee.

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22.10.2024 06:50
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